How To Browse For Free With Opera Mini On Glo
Good news to all Glo users, as Opera mini partners with Glo to provide free Browsing to all its subscribers. All Nigerians who have Glo active data sim card and have installed Opera Mini on their mobile devices, can start browsing for free every day for one month.
With Free Browsing on Opera Mini, you can log in to your Facebook or Instagram account. You can also use Free Browsing in Opera Mini to make Google searches and find the coolest and trending stuffs.
How to Qualify for Glo free Browsing on Glo
To qualify for the free browsing, make sure that you are a Globacom active customer and that you have Opera Mini installed on your phone. Once you are ready, open Opera Mini and start browsing for free.
Note that:
The Free browsing does not include video streaming or downloads. Those come with extra costs from your data bundle package.
The free browsing is capped at 600MB every month with a daily cap of 20 MB.
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